Hey guys, the Marvel Super Hero Takeover is HERE! When you log in, you can choose to be a Super Hero, or a Super Villain! 
I chose to become a Super Hero and defend the city! You can play a mini-game that can earn you prizes too!
The game is kind of hard, but cool! If you reach all the way to the top, you'll get a prize!
Now, on to the Super Villain mini-game! Go to the Super Villain HQ, and go build a robot!
You can build a really cool looking robot and take over Penguintropolis! Be careful, if you make a mistake, you'll have to start all over!
Once you're finished making your robot, choose what color you want and DONE! Now choose what colored robot you want to use!
Here's how the robot looks like:
Pretty cool, right? Also, there are new emotes for the Marvel Super Hero Takeover!
Not only that, but there are two places where you can get free items and those free items are for EVERYONE! Go to the Stage (A.K.A., Police Station) and stand where the cameras at and you'll get a free background!
After that, go to the Pizza Parlor, (A.K.A., The Bank) and you can get a free hand item!
This party is really cool, I like building the robots! I hope to get all the items here! What do you think of the party? Leave a comment and let us know!

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