This is from Tato Maxx:

Hey penguins!

Lights, camera, Hollywood! As you have seen, the island is full of superstars! And I know you are anxious to find their favorite ... not? Well, I tell you that during the party Lights, camera, Hollywood will have the stellar performance and direction of Sensei, Cadence, Gary and Aunt Arctic!
Here is the detail of their agendas superocupadas ...
The Sensei: Feb. 16 at 2 pm (Club Penguin Standard Time) Server: Aletazo ninja
Gary: Feb. 17 at 12 pm (Club Penguin Standard Time) Server: Calcetines de lana
Cadence: February 20 at 6 am (Club Penguin Standard Time) Server: Yeti
Aunt Arctic: Feb. 25 at 10 am (Club Penguin Standard Time) Server: 
They will be several days walking around the island, so it might take them by surprise at some other time. And surely they are surrounded by fans and paparazzi, sharpen your eyes wide!
See you at the next wave;)
- Club Penguin Team

Thanks Tato Maxx for these times to meet Gary, Sensei, Aunt Arctic, and Cadence! I will try to meet one of them! So what do you think? Make sure to let us know in the comments below!

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