Hey guys!

I got exciting news for you guys! Spike Hike tweeted saying that the Puffle Hotel will stay even after the Puffle Party is over! I think the Puffle Hotel will be permanent! 
The thing that I don't get is that will the Puffle Hotel be built in the middle of the Pet Shop and the Stage, or will the Stage be replaced for the Puffle Hotel? Well, time will tell! So what do you think of this? Make sure to let us know in the comments below!

3/9/2013 08:12:55 am

Woah! I think you have great sense of writing and if I was owner of CP

You would be official CP Blogger! :D

3/9/2013 01:16:32 pm

Thank you! That means a lot to me! :D

4/4/2013 03:13:06 am

This one is very great blog post. It is so interesting and very useful article. I like the way the blogger explain the things. Keep posting. I really thanks for this.


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