Hey guys, it's February 23, so that means members can get the Golden Trophy! Woohoo! Waddle over to the Awards Show and you'll notice that it now says "Now Awarding Gold."
Once you go inside, it now says "Awarding Now" to the Gold Trophy! If you're a member, and you haven't gotten the previous trophies, I don't know if you could still get them.
Once you go inside, you have to wait until you win an award! I got the Gold Trophy for Best Crash Landing! Hah!
And if you actually notice, the Awards Show is decorated in Gold! The front stage is gold, the metal parts on the chair is gold, etc. 
The Awards Show was actually awesome! But remember, you can only get the Golden Trophy for a limited time. The Hollywood Party is going to end in a few days. I really liked the Hollywood Party. It's going to be missed. So what do you think of the Golden Trophies? Make sure to let us know in the comments below!

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