Hey guys! New Penguin Style Catalog is out and I'll post the cheats! Here's the front Cover:
Here are 2 new backgrounds for the Marvel Superhero Takeover Party.
Since the Earth Day Party isn't going to be here this year, Club Penguin decided to release wild animal costumes! It's a good thing because I wanted the Rock-hopper Costume!
There's only 1 hidden item and it's where the penguin's watch is at. The hidden item is called Scrubs.
Now,here's Penguins at Work! We thought that Penguin's at work will be removed because it wasn't in January's catalog, but now it is in the catalogs!
Sorry for not posting the WHOLE catalog, I'm very busy. It's disappointing that there's only 1 hidden item, but there's going to be more costumes at the Marvel Super Hero Takeover. What do you think of this? Make sure to let us know in the comments!
Joshua the Elite Agent
4/5/2013 10:29:24 am

New Mission. Give credit to Joshua the Most Awesome Penguin on CP


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